The Children's Museum of Greater Fall River

  • Museum
  • Educational Services
441 North Main Street
Fall River, MA 02720
(508) 672-0033
(508) 672-0043 (fax)
Business Hours: Wed-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 12pm-4pm
  • About

    The mission of the Children’s Museum is to provide an environment that encourages and inspires a love for the learning process while strengthening family, education, and social bonds. In its unique environment, children actively make connections among ideas, people, and cultures. Encompassing the broad themes of community, family, and creativity, the museum encourages children to define their role in contributing to society at large while supporting every parent’s effort to be the best caregiver possible.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Ellen Lough
      Executive Director
      Phone: (508) 672-0033
      Cell Phone: (774) 400-7974