Congressional Luncheon with Jake Auchincloss
Congressional Update with
Congressman Jake Auchincloss

Congressman Jake Auchincloss is serving his second term representing the Massachusetts Fourth. In addition to his work on the committees for Transportation & Infrastructure and the Select Committee on Strategic Competition Between the United States and China, his areas of focus include healthcare, clean energy, gun violence, and building a strong middle class.
Jake was born and raised in Newton, Massachusetts, the son of a surgeon and a scientist. They showed him the value of curiosity and hard work. From the moment he could read, Jake loved American history.
After graduating from Harvard College, Jake joined the Marines. He commanded infantry in Afghanistan and special operations in Panama.
Upon returning home, Jake continued his service as a three-term city councilor in Newton. While working at City Hall on nights and weekends, Jake built a career in business, running product development at both a Fortune 100 insurance company and a cybersecurity startup. He has degrees in Economics and Finance from Harvard University and MIT Sloan.
Today, Jake lives in Newton with his wife, Michelle, and their children, Teddy, Grace, and Audrey (along with their Labrador Retriever, Donut).

Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
11:30 am: Registration and lunch buffet
12 pm: Program begins
Fall River Country Club
4232 N. Main St.
Fall River, MA
$50 members
$500 table of 10
$65 non members
$650 non members table of 10
Contact Information
Katie Greene, Vice President of Marketing and Events
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