Southeast Center for Independent Living

  • Assisted Living Centers
  • Human Services
  • Employment & Training
  • Organizations
66 Troy Street - Merrill Building Suite 1
Fall River, MA 02720
(508) 679-9210 voice/TTY
(508) 677-2377 (fax)
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

About Us

The Philosophy of Independent Living maintains that individuals with disabilities have the right to choose services and make decisions for themselves. Ultimately individuals with disabilities have the read more
  • About

    The Philosophy of Independent Living maintains that individuals with disabilities have the right to choose services and make decisions for themselves. Ultimately individuals with disabilities have the right to live the life they choose.

    Southeast Center for Independent Living (SCIL) firmly holds this belief at its foundation and it is the guiding principle in all of SCILs policies and operations.

    SCIL offers various programs, information, and support to help individuals with disabilities achieve their goals, experience personal growth, and be able to participate fully in community life.

  • Highlights

    • Advocacy
    • Peer Counseling
    • Transition & Prevention
    • Skills Training
    • Information & Referral